Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Dog owners, who are responsible, know that good dogs are not made, they're trained. Teaching your dog basic obedience skills, how to follow instructions and proper socialization will assure your pet is both happy and safe. Check out these great dog and puppy training tips.
When house-breaking your puppy, choose a specific phrase to use when it's time to go outdoors. When you take your puppy outside, say "go potty" to them so they will eventually associate the phrase with going to the bathroom outside.
A dog has an inquiring mind and will look at one thing for quite a while until its attention is broken. Repetition and practice will result in your dog waiting to take cues from you rather than being distracted by other things.
Be aware of what foods and treats your dog loves the most. It is easier to motivate a dog if the reward being offered is something they really enjoy. Pay close attention to how much he likes a treat and if it doesn't seem to excite him, try a different treat.
To house train your puppy, get him on a set feeding and potty schedule every day. This can help you avoid accidents on the carpet by becoming aware of when the dog needs to go. Then he will become practiced at waiting until the right time.
Do your best to keep your dog active through the day. When dogs have nothing to do, they can get bored. Not to mention that a bored dog is going to be more stubborn during training. It is easier for your dog to focus if he is happy and well exercised. Make long walks or daily runs a part of your routine that you and your dog can look forward to.
When training your dog not to chew on things that are not toys, you should try to facilitate success. Additionally, make sure there is nothing that can pose as a threat to your chewing canine. Keep items, that your dog may choke on, away including nylons, hairbrushes, and common items that typically are left around the house.
It takes a while for a dog to get comfortable in a crate. Don't take it too fast; introduce the dog at his own pace. Once your dog seems to have acclimated to the crate itself, close the gate and feeding him through it. Leave them in for short periods of time, as little as 10 seconds. Work up from there. If they get upset, it's too fast.
Don't give up on training your dog, no matter what. If your dog doesn't get reinforcement for his current level of training, he's likely to slide back into how he acted before he was trained. Keep in mind that training your dog is an on-going process, and just as important as providing him with food and shelter.
Your dog must respect you in order for training to work. Otherwise, the dog will think that he is in charge and will not respond to your training tactics. When walking with your dog, always walk first, never let your dog lead, as this is the leadership position.
When training your dog never punish him; doing so will only make him be resistant to any further training. Try to stop your dog from performing unwanted behaviors, but if he does, redirect him by demonstrating the correct behavior. Training sessions are a time to bond with your pet, and instead of instilling fear in your dog, the process should result in a positive and loving relationship.
Hopefully these obedience tips have given you some ways to make your dog a friendly pet you'll be happy to show off. Training your dog or puppy well makes it more fun to have around, and causes less stress. Regardless of whether you undertake training on your own or with the assistance of a professional, the end results will be well worth the time or money.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more dog and puppy training secrets and tips:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


People go crazy for pets, not the least of which are dogs. Bad behavior, mischief, and destructiveness are sometimes a natural part of the development of a young animal like a puppy. If you want to learn a few tips about training a dog or puppy, read on.
If certain things trigger bad behavior in your dog, keep him occupied whenever you pass something that will tempt him to misbehave. For instance, if your dog reacts negatively to other dogs, you need to keep his focus on you as you come into contact with them. That way, the dog will start to associate good or interesting things with seeing animals that would have upset him or her in the past.
Putting your puppy outside while you are away from home is the best way to keep him from chewing on your prized possessions while you are gone. If you have an indoor dog that is not kennel trained, then close them out of the rooms in which they like to chew.
For a dog to become house trained you should always have them on the same feeding schedule every day, so their elimination time is always the same. Before the dog goes to the bathroom on your carpet, you will know when it has to go outside. This will also teach your dog to "hold it" until her next trip outside.
Your dog needs to understand how to go to a vet exam. Rub your hands gently over his whole body, and praise him for his calm attitude. Prepare him to be more tolerant with having his paws handled and his teeth looked at. Consider recruiting a friends help, too.
Take an assertive management role in your dog's behavior. If you don't have time to make sure a command is carried out, don't give the command.
Consistency is king when it comes to dog obedience training, not only from you but also from each family member with whom your dog interacts daily. Consistency is key in dog training. If one person trains a dog differently, then the dog will be confused about how it should properly behave.
You should not initiate a training session unless you are in a calm and patient mood. If you are impatient, your dog will become anxious and be unable to focus on learning.
You should always walk your dog before leaving your house for long periods of time. Not only do you want your dog to relieve himself, but you also want to make him tired so he relaxes and doesn't suffer from anxiety while you're gone.
Dog training should begin in the puppy stages. Although younger dogs tend to respond to discipline and training more thoroughly, it is still possible to teach an older dog to behave. If you start training your dog when he is young, he will be almost as well-behaved as a child.
You should teach all family members the same commands that you use for training your dog. It is very confusing for a pet to hear different things from different people for the same command. If everyone is consistent when commanding the dog, you will find dog training much easier and successful.
Do not give your dog any punishments when you are in the process of training. You should make every effort to prevent the behavior in the first place, but if your pet does misbehave, show him what he should have done instead. Training should allow you to teach your dog and connect with him; the process should focus on positive communication.
Control your tone of voice when reinforcing your dog's behavior, whether positive or negative. Your pet is very in tune with your emotions. An adequate stern tone can help reinforce their discipline.
Associate a word with an action and stick to it. Your dog will remember the command if it is always the same word. Stay consistent. The more consistent you are, the faster your dog will catch on.
You should not have to choose between your beloved dog and a clean home. A rambunctious and destructive pet can quickly ruin the appearance of your home indoors and from the outside, but an effective obedience training program can solve the problem. Take advantage of the tips mentioned here, and you will be rewarded with a peaceful environment and a loving dog.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more dog and puppy training secrets and tips:

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Dogs need to be trained for a variety of reasons. People train dogs to protect people, to hunt, for pleasure, or to work for them. Dogs have always been willing to please their owners -- this is why they are known as "man's best friend." This is one of the things that make them a great animal to have around. In the following article, you will be provided with information that will make training your dog simple.
The first thing you should do when training a puppy is to teach him to understand his name. Using his name frequently will teach him to respond when called. There is no other word your puppy should be taught first. Spend a lot of time with him or her so that trust can be established. This will help them become more receptive to harder obedience training later.
For optimal dog behaviour training results, you must make sure that your dog is active at all times. Dogs desire to be healthy, active animals. At an agility class you can teach your dog to catch a Frisbee while your dog gets the exercise he or she needs. You could also let your dog tag along on your brisk walk or run. Do not allow your dog to suffer from boredom, keep him moving often.
If you want to keep your dog trim and healthy, keep an eye on how many reward snacks you give him while training him. When trying to feed their dogs a healthy diet, many people do not count the calories in the treats. These can add up fast.
You must begin your relationship with the dog or puppy as the boss for any obedience training to be effective. Your dog will not respect or obey you, unless you let him know that you are the boss. Never allow your dog to pull on the leash while you are on a walk.
If you will be away from the house for an extended period, leaving the dog alone when you are gone, take him on a long, vigorous walk before you leave. If you are able to tire your pets out, they will not be as anxious when it is time for you to go.
If you want to train your puppy or dog, you should first determine what special treats are the favorite of your dog. Giving your dog treats which he really enjoys when he does something right can speed up the training process. Take note of how your dog responds when he is given his reward.
When in training with your new puppy, don't play rough games like tug of war. Games, such as wrestling, chasing or tugging, teach the puppy to nip or bite at your hands. These are games you don't want to play with them until they are a little older and more mature so they don't get used to the bad behavior of nipping.
Stop your puppy from chewing on something inappropriate immediately, if you catch him in the act. Since this action teaches him what he can and cannot chew on, it will help prevent him from chewing on your things when you are distracted, or just not around.
If you are considering working with an animal behavior specialist, make sure you interview them and check out their reputation. Opinions and techniques can vary from animal specialist to animal specialist. Make sure that the dog trainer you hire has a mentality similar to yours when it comes to working with pets.
Use small steps when training a dog or pup to get into a crate, so that they can become familiar with it. When they are comfy with the open door, try closing it and feeding them treats via the wires. Gradually increase the amount of time your dog spends in the crate, starting with just a few seconds. If the puppy gets too upset, then you have increased the time too much, too fast.
As you can see, dogs are trained for a variety of different reasons and applications. Dogs are known for their desire to please, which makes a well-trained one a pleasure to have around. This article likely helped you brainstorm ideas for obedience training your own furry pal.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more dog and puppy training secrets and tips:

Thursday, February 16, 2012


You may have no idea where to start when training your dog, but you can have a well-trained dog like the ones you have always heard about if you know a few tips. Everything you need to know is contained in this article, so continue reading to learn more!

The sooner you start obedience training your dog, the better. While any dog can be trained, puppies respond the best to it. When you train your dog as a puppy, he will be a well-behaved dog throughout his life.

When dog training, use different kinds of treats as a reward. Get treats that your dog will want more than the normal treats they get every day. These unique treats will make them more eager to perform well in training.

Make sure your teething puppy has a bunch of chew toys readily available to him, and keep other things he likes to chew on, away from him. Instead of allowing it to continue chewing on your important furniture or toys, provide a well-loved chew toy. Teething pain can be soothed by a washcloth that has been soaked in water and frozen.

Choose one phrase to use every time you want your dog to do his business. Tell the dog a phrase, like "go potty!", whenever you go outside to help your dog keep the goal of going outside in mind.

For example, you may want your dog to learn how to hold a specific object in his mouth, such as a favorite toy. Whenever the dog puts his mouth on the toy, immediately sound your dog training clicker and reward him with a treat. Once he has done it a couple of times, you should wait until they put the toy into their mouth. Immediately thereafter, use the clicker and offer the reward. After this, you should only reward your dog after he holds the toy in his mouth.

Keep your dog's wants and motivations in mind when training. Dog training can be a learning experience, especially with it comes to determining what motivates your pet. All dogs respond well to positive reinforcement, so keep this in mind while training your dog. When the dog is happy, he will want to perform better.

If you are training more than one dog, remember that some breeds of dogs can be trained together, but some breeds cannot. If you attempt to train your dogs at the same time and notice that they are not able to concentrate the way that you want them to, you may need to train them separately.

Most cases associated to dog bites result from fear. This happens when a dog feels frightened, threatened, and trapped. Do not use force when training your dog. Your dog might snap and bite you. Your dog will feel proud and want to please you as his leader.

Dogs are just like people; they love hearing the sound of their own names and the use of the name will call them to attention. Call your dog by name as much as possible when you are first getting to know your pup; this will establish a connection between hearing the name and giving positive attention to the speaker. The best dog names are ones that are short and are different from other commands.

Communication is a crucial component of the dog training process. You must give consistent and clear signals when you training your dog. This especially applies to your verbal and nonverbal interactions, but the rewards you give and the corrections you make should be consistent, too. Remember to always pay attention to the communication signals from your dog. His body language can tell you a lot about how he's feeling and what he's in the mood for.

Use the information you learned in this article to help you start to train your dog. Knowing proper information can help individuals in training their dog effectively.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more dog and puppy training secrets and tips:

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Obedience training your dog is the responsible thing to do. Whether your dog training methods  focuses on simple commands like teaching your dog to sit or something more complicated, discipline and instruction is vital. This article contains tips that will help you make sure that your dog is properly trained.
It's important to instruct visitors on how to respectfully approach your pet, especially if the visitors include small children. This is exactly the kind of behaviour that makes your dog forget his training.
Good communication is the most vital component of dog obedience training. Be clear and consistent while working with your canine. This especially applies to your verbal and nonverbal interactions, but the rewards you give and the corrections you make should be consistent, too. Also, keep an eye out for how your dog or puppy is communicating with you. He will tell you if things are going smoothly, or if he is feeling stressed, or tired.
Keep your dog active. Dogs can get bored easily. Bored dogs are harder to train. If you have a happy, exercised dog, they will listen better. Be sure to go for jogs or walks with your dog regularly.
While you are in the process of house training your puppy, expect the occasional accident to occur. Clean accidents right away to speed up training. The smell from a pet's faeces or urine can stay in the carpet. The puppy may return to that spot if it isn't cleaned quickly. Many products are sold that will neutralize these odours, so ask about them at your local pet store.
An example of shaping would be to teach him to hold his favourite toy in his teeth. Use positive reinforcements like a clicker or a cookie whenever the dog chooses the toy. Once he has done it a couple of times, you should wait until they put the toy into their mouth. After it has done this, you should click and promptly give a reward. Don't reward him until he secures it in his mouth.
A great dog obedience training tip is calling your dog by its name when you are trying to get its attention. To maintain control of your dog, you must be able to encourage a favourable response. Call your dog's name as much as ten times a day, until you get a reaction right away. Also, it is very inappropriate for you to call the dog over to you and then punish him, as this will teach him to fear you and discourage him from coming when called.
A dog training clicker is a good way to reinforce behaviours. You can create a positive association with the clicker so that the dog learns it will receive a reward when it hears the sound. You should click, and then immediately treat. This method will be necessary until your dog learns that the "reward" is the clicking sound alone. Eventually, your dog will learn that the noise means "good” and this will help shape their behaviour by using this tool.
Dog obedience training is an ongoing process - your dog needs to be constantly reminded of the rules! One of the most common mistakes pet owners make is assuming that once training has been completed, no maintenance is required thereafter. You can encourage your dog to adopt good habits. For this reason, it is essential to make sure that your dog adheres to a clear-cut set of rules.
Hopefully these dog training tips gave you the information you can use to have a more enjoyable relationship with your dog. Proper training makes dog ownership more rewarding and less stressful. Whether you get help from a professional or not, training your dog is one of the best ways to ensure the best possible life for your canine friend.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more dog and puppy training secrets and tips:


The dog that you have just adopted may seem less like Lassie, and more like Cujo. The good news is that, with just a bit of basic dog obedience training, your dog can become better behaved within just a short amount of time.
You should always give your dog a challenge. Test what he knows by giving commands, even if you are sure that he has the skill mastered.
Learning how to show authority is the foundation of all dog obedience training methods. Be friendly with your dog, but also be firm. When walking with your dog, always walk first, never let your dog lead, as this is the leadership position.
Even if your dog gets extremely stressed whenever you leave home, with a bit of time and dedication, it's possible to train your dog out of his separation anxiety. Signs of separation anxiety include behaviours like constant barking, and utter destruction of furniture, shoes or anything else the dog can sink his teeth into, when you're not there. You can fix this by showing your dog acceptable behaviour for the times when you're away. Make sure to spend time with your dog when you get home, so that he calms down.

If you'll be away from home for any length of time, such as going to work, then you need to make certain you take your dog on a long walk before you leave. This will tire the dog out, and may help prevent any separation anxiety he may feel when you leave.
Don't let your dog take the lead in a dog training session, or in life. If the patience to follow through with any command you give is not there, simply choose to not give it instead.
Everyone in your household needs to be on board for dog obedience training to be effective. Even if there's one person who regularly oversees the training, having the entire family involved will teach the dog that, he too, needs to consistently follow the household rules.

Decide on a single phrase to use when housebreaking, or training your new puppy. Whenever the dog is taken out, use the term you have chosen to refer to the process of relieving him or herself, and the pet will make a mental link between going outside and doing just that.
Anxiety in dogs often leads to destructive behaviour like chewing or clawing. Keeping your pup in a crate or other doggy-proofed space and providing appropriate chew toys will keep him occupied until you arrive home.
Playing tug-of-war with your puppy makes training less effective. Games, such as wrestling, chasing or tugging, teach the puppy to nip or bite at your hands. This behaviour is very difficult to break, so you should avoid these games while they are still a puppy.
If you dog begins displaying negative behaviour out of the blue, you should make him an appointment to go and see the vet to rule out any illnesses that could cause the behaviour. Some medical problems can cause pain or behaviours that cause them to act in ways that they wouldn't normally do. Remember that your dog cannot express clearly what the problem is: you will have to pay attention to your pet.
Always keep the atmosphere positive and motivational when conducting a training session with your dog. Reward your dog during the training session, particularly when it does what you ask of it. Using dog  training methods that are negative and based upon punishments will likely make your dog afraid, disobedient, and unhappy.
People are often amazed about how easy it can be to train your dog and how quick they see changes. Try out these obedience and house training tips if you're having problems with your dog.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more dog and puppy training secrets and tips: